Dear Azat, dear Sirs,
this is Peter Johansson/Barbro Westlings suggestion for the exhibition GyumriInternational Biennial of Contemporary Art.
We think of this as our somewhat playful but longterm contribution to thisyear´s theme: “Transformation of History or Parallel Histories”.
We would like to build a permanent ice hockeyrink in Gyumri.
First of all we think of it as a sculpture. A public and physica piece of artwith accomplished outer shape. If you look upon it with a strictly aestheticalmind the sculpture is unconventional as it turns its glimmering and polishedsurface to the iinside, hiding it from the spectator. What can be seen isnothing but an anonymous fencing. But the important thing, of course, is theuse of the aesthetics. We would like this rink to be used each winter when thecold has taken its grip over Gyumri. When in use this sculpture is moving,exciting and always changing its scenery. Ice-dance, ballet, Icehockey, gamesthe space is for everybody, to play, to learn, to watch! That is also thebeauty of the art! The art that happens when there´s people around and so,belongs to the users.
Problems arise when summer and warmer weather is coming around. What happens tothe sculpture then?
That´s something to think about. Meanwhile we indulge in dreams of a futureArmenian hockey-team, of results like Armenia-Russia 1-0, and new parallelhistories, yet not written, in sports.
We would like this to be our as well as our donators contribution to theBiennial and to the citizens of Gyumri. Work and play is usually separated andwe are told to work first and then play. To construct and build an icehockeyrink is hard work and craftmanship but the purpose of it is to enableplay. And play is also a part of a new city, for the citizens in the newGyumri.
We hope the Gyumri Biennial find our suggestion meaningful and exciting andthat you will be able to give us your reaction/answer within short as we muststart our work to make this project happen. We also hope that you will be ableto help us find a space in Gyumri, both suitable for the Biennial and for thefuture use of the ice hockeyrink. The space must be flat and also quite big.
After having heard from you we will contact the Swedish national organizationin ice hockey, firms of haulage for transportation and different brands forsport goods as well as economic contributors and sponsors. Weplan to deliver not only an ice hockeyrink but also equipment and booths forthe players, waterpumps and unit for diesel to make the ice as well as hosesfor water.
With sincere art-greetings
Peter Johansson/Barbro Westling